I'll never write a book...

“I don’t believe in failure. It’s not failure if you enjoyed the process.” – Oprah Winfrey

Well over the last week I've needed to lean into this quote more than ever as I'm attempting to write a book.

Yep - you heard right!

This project started because I thought I'd currently be quarantining in a Canadian Hotel right now and wanted to make the most of that block of uninterrupted time and outline the PAUSE. PLAY. CONNECT model so I can share it with as many people as possible.

Long story short - I'm not in Canada.

I'm currently looking outside my window at the rain, missing my youngest daughter terribly, who is STILL out there (8 more weeks to go) and holding on to the fact that she seems to be having the time of her life.

After the first 2 days I had thousands of words but most of it was me processing all the craziness of the last few years but I have taken the approach of not being too judgemental without putting pressure on myself to produce something that may or may not want to be birthed.

I'll be taking what I have written to a handful of incredible people to dissect and pull apart next Wednesday and beyond but until then, I'm just getting things in place and trying to treat this as self care and enjoy the process.

Easier said than done.

The harsh conscience rears its ugly head often.

I've literally had to write quotes all around me on the walls to keep me going - lol. And still I procrastinate or just freeze in fear!

Perfectionism sucks doesn't it?

I feel uncomfortable and vulnerable even daring to write a sentence however one of the quotes I've put up says: 'On the other side of your FEAR is somebody else's FREEDOM.'

That is my mission - even just to help just one more parent find deeper connection with their child and enjoy parenting again.

Moving from pissed off to playful...

Secondly, ..... Community rocks !!!!

Thank you for any comments and messages of encouragement over on Instagram. It's feeling tough and overwhelming but I've still got a week of solid time to go for it.

Pause and tune in to what you need today so that you can tune in to your child.

Love to you and the family today.

Have a wonderful week and remember to PAUSE.

Debi x

Deb John1 Comment